The Below Zero art prize winner Jonna Kina has started her London residency at Beconsfield Gallery Vauxhall at the end of January. Her work at the mentoring programme of the gallery will culminate in an exhibition opening in March.
During the residency Kina works on new film and sculpture materials, with working titles Energy and Matter and Readings. The works explore landscape, temporal dimensions and social relationships as a story of harmony and dissonance. Jonna Kina (born 1984, Finland) is an artist working with a variety of media, including film and photography, installation, sound and text. Her works are conceptual and structural in method.
The winner of the Below Zero prize launched by The Finnish Institute in London and Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall was chosen through an open proposal competition in late 2017. The aim of the prize, which is awarded for the first time, is to create opportunities for art collaboration between Finland and the UK.