Mika Taanila’s retrospective takes over London

Mika Taanila’s retrospective takes over London

08.12.2017 | Audiovisual culture

Film maker and visual artist Mika Taanila is presenting his work around prestigious London venues on 19.-22.10.

Mika Taanila‘s retrospective “Seismic Ooze: A Survey of Work by Mika Taanila” is taking over London, as his work is put on display around various high profile locations, such as the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Cafe Oto, Whitechapel Gallery and Close-up Film Centre. From documentaries to debut performances, the weekend is packed with things to see and experience!

Taanila works with documentaries, visual arts and film. His works are often described as experimental or avant-grade, and he likes to play with futuristic utopias and visions.

Being one of the most renowned contemporary Finnish artists and filmmakers, Taanila was also awarded with Ars Fennica, the biggest Finnish art prize there is in 2015. His works have also been shown on many international group shows and he has won multiple international awards.

“It’s great to see Mika Taanila’s work being presented in prestigious venues in London. The Finnish Institute in London has supported the collaborative project of Taanila and Jussi Lehtisalo through out TelepART funding programme. The programme is designed to help performing artists showcase their work internationally and promote artistic collaboration between Finland, the UK and Ireland. We have already supported 18 projects through the programme since the launch in spring 2017”, says Pauliina Ståhlberg, the director of the Finnish Institute in London.



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