2.–12.7. Sami Kero’s ice hole photos – A cool start for the Finnish EU presidency

2.–12.7. Sami Kero’s ice hole photos – A cool start for the Finnish EU presidency

Avanto – Ice hole by Sami Kero is a photo series that depicts winter swimming, a popular winter sport. There are about 150,000 active winter swimmers in Finland, and the exercise is proven to have many health benefits. The pictures were taken by a drone, giving an unusual vantage point to the viewers. The series will be exhibited in 12 Star Gallery at Europe House to celebrate the beginning of the Finnish EU presidency.

Sami Kero is a Finnish photojournalist who works for Helsingin Sanomat, the biggest subscription-based newspaper in Finland. He has covered international conflicts and crisis around the world, though most of his daily work takes place in peaceful Finland. Avanto – Ice hole series has won the Daily press series in the Perpignan Visa Pour l´Image 2017.

Sami Kero: Avanto – Ice Hole, 12 Star Gallery, Europe House, 32 Smith Square, SW1P 3EU London 2.–12.7. https://ec.europa.eu/unitedkingdom/events/12-star-gallery_en

Text: Ninni Lehtniemi Photo: Sami Kero

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